Emergency advice
and measures

Here are some helpful tips and steps to consider when you have just experienced a building emergency.


• Make sure you are safe with your families, loved ones and pets.

• Make sure a room is safe before entering it.

• Secure the disaster area.

• Contact the local authorities to find out what measures have been put in place (police, municipal firefighters).

• Document the damage using photos and videos.

• Call your broker agent to open your indemnity file.

• Call our disaster recovery team → Groupe Jaco: 514 518-7226 or 514 518-8227

  • Close the faucets and the pipe valve causing the leak or close the main water inlet valve.
  • Identify and block the source of water infiltration or contact a professional.
  • Turn off and unplug all electrical and electronic devices in and around the affected area.
  • Couper l’alimentation électrique dans les endroits que l'eau pourrait atteindre, sinon coupez l’alimentation électrique principale. TRÈS IMPORTANT : ASSUREZ-VOUS D’ÊTRE DANS UNE ZONE SÈCHE AVANT DE TOUCHER À DU MATÉRIEL ÉLECTRIQUE. Si non, contactez Hydro Québec ou les pompiers.
  • Contactez votre fournisseur de gaz pour couper l’alimentation.
  • If the ceiling is bulging due to water accumulation, make holes for the water to drain.
  • Remove as much water as possible using large containers, a shovel or a pump.
  • Blot the flooded area with towels to prevent the water from spreading further and causing more damage.
  • Remove all objects from wooden furniture and wipe down their surfaces.
  • Open the windows to ventilate and speed drying.
  • Open all drawers, cabinets, suitcases, cases and other containers to dry them. Put them outside in the sun.
  • Protect your carpets by putting aluminum foil, pieces of wood or glass saucers under the legs of furniture to prevent them from staining the carpets.
  • Protégez vos tapis en mettant du papier d’aluminium, des morceaux de bois ou des soucoupes en vitre sous les pattes des meubles pour éviter qu’ils tachent les tapis.


  • Plug the drains, water outlets and sewers to avoid backflows of water inside the building, especially if they are not equipped with non-return valves.
  • Securely obstruct broken windows and block dangerous access.
  • Put in places on all your valuables.
  • Store items that are on the ground up high.
  • If you have access to a second floor, move furniture and objects that are on the ground floor or in the basement up there.
  • Leave the building without forgetting anyone if the water level requires you to do so and/or if the authorities ask you to.
  • Bring warm clothes, medicine, and other necessary items that you will need in your absence.
  • Contact Hydro Québec and/or an electrician before reconnecting the electrical panel and restarting the heating equipment.
  • Before drinking the water, contact your municipality to make sure the water is safe to drink. In the meantime you can boil the water for 5 to 20 minutes. If you have a well and/or water treatment systems, have them tested.
  • If you have a fake skeptic, have it inspected to make sure it is working properly.
  • Throw away all food and medicine that has been in contact with water or moisture as it may have been contaminated by unclean water.
  • If you have to throw away medication, take inventory of it and take photos of it for your insurance claim.


  • DO NOT TOUCH ANY ELECTRICAL OBJECT OR EQUIPMENT until you are absolutely sure there is no water and the area is dry. Contact Hydro Quebec or the fire department if not.
  • Do not use a generator until the building has been dried out and declared safe.
  • Do not turn on overhead lights or plug appliances into wall outlets if they are wet.
  • Do not pull on the rugs as they may damage the floors. Roll them up instead.
  • Do not leave papers, newspapers or magazines on furniture or carpets as they may rub off.
  • Do not leave clothes lying around as they may rub off and rot.
  • Do not dry carpets with portable heaters.
  • Do not use a household vacuum to remove or pump out water.
  • Do not turn up the heater until professionals have been able to install dehumidifiers as the moisture could do damage.


  • If there is no danger, close the door of the room where the fire started
  • Evacuate the fire scene immediately. Do not waste time carrying goods and objects.
  • Assurez-vous de ne pas oublier personne en sortant.
  • If there is a lot of smoke, walk on all fours to facilitate breathing. Use your sweater or other fabrics to filter the smoke if it's too thick.
  • When you are outside, call 9-1-1 immediately or ask a neighbour.
  • If someone is missing, notify the fire department as soon as they arrive.
  • If you or someone close to you is on fire, drop to the ground and roll over.


  • Securely obstruct broken windows and block dangerous access.
  • Put your pets outside or in a clean room.
  • Open the windows to ventilate and ventilate the premises
  • Change the furnace filter if it is still functional
  • Empty refrigerators and freezers. Open them and block the door to let them air out.
  • Vacuum to remove soot wherever it is (furniture, carpets, floors, walls).
  • Clean hard surfaces (counters, floors)
  • Clean household appliances, faucets and bathroom fixtures.
  • Clean the plants and remove 3 cm of soil.
  • Drain the water from the heaters if you have a water heating system.
  • If you have clothes that need to be dry cleaned, mention it to your cleaner so that they clean them properly or the smell could become permanent.


  • NEVER RETURN TO A BURNING BUILDING. Even to pick up your pet.
  • Do not use electrical or electronic devices before having cleaned and tested them.
  • Do not eat food that has been exposed to smoke or canned foods that have undergone high heat.
  • Do not use upholstered furniture that has been affected by smoke.
  • Do not clean absorbent surfaces with regular products such as walls, ceilings, wood or brick. Use specialized products for this type of surface.


  • Follow the news to be aware of the latest developments in the situation
  • Stock up on necessities such as food (ready-to-eat and non-perishable), water and medicine.
  • Fill up with gasoline. Keep a gas can if you have a safe place to store it.
  • Make sure you have a flashlight and a battery-powered or generator-powered radio.
  • Make sure you have charged batteries.
  • Make sure electrical devices are fully charged (phones, tools, computers, etc.)
  • Gather all important documents like wallets, passports, insurance policies, birth certificates and more.
  • Make sure you have enough cash for emergencies.
  • Make sure that all movable objects on the ground are well attached or put in a safe place (barbecues, garden furniture, plants, boats, recreational vehicles).
  • Pick up all other objects on the ground.
  • Move everything possible away from flood prone areas.
  • Remove the antennas on the building.
  • Contact your gas supplier to shut off the main gas supply.


  • Close the main water inlet to prevent water contamination.
  • Fill the tub with clean water.
  • Put your valuables in a safe place.
  • Move objects away from windows.
  • Write down and keep emergency numbers handy (utilities, hospitals, insurance company, municipality, and others).
  • Wear your medical alert bracelet if you have one.
  • Avoid driving.
  • Stay indoors.
  • Get to a safe place inside the house if the storm becomes more intense.
  • Avoid using electrical appliances that are plugged in.


  • If the vandal or thief is still on the scene do not approach him.
  • Contact the police.
  • Do not touch anything until the police have made their statement and their report.


  • Secure areas where there has been vandalism or break-ins.
  • Remove large pieces of glass using gloves and place them in a box.
  • Vacuum to remove small pieces of glass in the window sills as well as on and around the floor.
  • Clean up areas where there has been vandalism or break-ins.


  • Do not throw away the pieces of broken objects that could be repaired.
  • Do not use electrical and electronic devices that have been damaged.
  • Do not attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains without using suitable products.


  • Faites l’inventaire de vos biens pour faciliter la présentation d’une réclamation à votre assureur et accélérer son traitement.
    • Notez les numéros de séries de vos objets de valeurs.
    • Prenez des photos et/ou des vidéos de vos objets de valeurs, de vos meubles, de l’intérieur des tiroirs, armoires et penderies.
    • Conservez vos factures et certificats de garanties de vos biens.
    • Faites une copie de ces documents pour les conserver à l’extérieur de votre résidence ou votre bureau car dans le cas d’un incendie ou d’une inondation ces documents pourraient être détruits.
  • Contrat d’assurance
    • Assurez-vous que votre contrat d’assurance est bien en règle.
    • Prenez le temps de lire et de bien comprendre toutes les clauses de votre contrat d’assurance. N’hésitez pas à contacter votre agent ou courtier pour lui poser toutes les questions à des incertitudes quant à vos polices d'assurances et qu’est-ce qu’elles couvrent.
    • Notez les informations de contact de votre agent ou courtier d’assurance.
  • Keep all your invoices and receipts if you need to carry out work quickly or incur immediate expenses before the insurers have approved your request (accommodation, food, and other).
  • If you are renting, contact your landlord. Their insurance policy could cover damage to your accommodation, but it is advisable to also have your own insurance policy to cover your belongings.
  • In the event of a major claim, a government program may compensate you.
  • Install working fire extinguishers near your kitchens, fireplaces, and workshops and make sure that you and all your loved ones are able to use them.
  • Don't use just any product to clean up a mess, as you may make the problem worse.

*These tips are intended to help you only. The Jaco Group cannot be held responsible for the misunderstanding or misinterpretation of this advice and information. If in doubt, always prioritize your safety and that of your loved ones and quickly contact the authorities and professional responders.